Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Doggy Futon!

I was out and about today and decided to make a quick trip into a second hand thrift store.  I love finding things I can recycle and do fun things with.  Today I found this black metal "thing".  What it is, I have no clue!  It almost looks like one of those log holders you put in a fireplace.  If someone knows what this thing actually is, please let me know.

Anyways, you know where my mind goes first as soon as I saw it.... Doggy Futon!!  I swear, my dogs have more furniture in the house than I do.  Anyways, it was marked only $3.99.. so I could not pass it up.

I brought it home, and gave it a good cleaning in the tub.

Then I made this cute little stuffed fleece cover for it.

Alexis had been sniffing it and checking it out as soon as I brought it in the house.  I finally let her at it.

I think it passed her inspection, what do you think?

And yes, Sammy checked it out too and gave it a test drive.  But his bed is higher up and he likes it better up there.  But this is perfect for Alexis because she can get up here all by herself!

If you have recycled something for your pets, please post a link!


I'm unsure where the official "home" of this new futon is going to be (they have 8 beds in this room alone!) so I just had it on the floor next to me in my sewing room - and I just happened to look down and she's sound asleep on it.  She looked so cute I just had to snap a couple more pictures of her in her new little futon :)


1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous! You look so comfy on the cute fleece coverlet. You are one lucky dog!
